Friends Like These
Friends Like These by Meg Rosoff (Bloomsbury, 2024)


Friends Like These by Meg Rosoff (ISBN:9781526646118). Like Meg Rosoff’s ‘The Great Godden’ (shortlisted for the 2020 BOOKMARK Book of the Year Award), this makes a gritty and tightly written good read for young adults upwards. It’s 1983, and 18-year-old Beth has just arrived in the heat of a New York summer to take up a journalism internship. The city is feverish and full of noise, and Beth feels all wrong: wrong shoes, face, hair, hopes; all wrong. In the onslaught of so many new experiences, insistent friendships grow at hothouse rates. True to its title, this is a story of finding friends, the loss of innocence and the hurt of betrayal.

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