Gordon Kerr BOOKMARK 2019

Sunday 6 October 2019

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Sunday 6 October 2019
10:00 am
Blairgowrie Community Campus
Gordon Kerr
Gail Wylie

Gordon’s first novel, set in London in 1999 and Italy 1944, is a story of love, deception and revenge.  In 1999 Michael Keats is mourning the death of his wife, killed in a car accident in Italy, and discovers that she has been having an affair.   Uncovering the identity of her lover takes him back fifty years to the Valtellina at Lake Como when the partisans were embroiled in bitter battles against German forces.  Repercussions are still reverberating and Michael becomes involved in battles of his own as he uncovers the truth of his wife’s affair.  Gail Wylie, BOOKMARK's Chair, hosted this event.

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