Olga Wojtas
Olga Wojtas

Olga Wojtas was first introduced to BOOKMARK audiences as...

Alexander McCall Smith
Alexander McCall Smith

Alexander "Sandy" McCall Smith, CBE, FRSE is a British-Zimbabwean writer...

Philip Paris
Philip Paris

Philip Paris is best known for his books about Orkney's...

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{% component type: \"snippet\", alias: \"bookmark\" %} 2024  Launch
with the welcome return of one of our patrons, 

Olga Wojtas
and the latest instalment of her heroine Shona McMonagle's adventures,
Miss Blaine's Prefect and the Gondola of Doom.  

Anyone who has been to one of Olga's previous events knows that an entertaining afternoon is guaranteed!  \n

\nAfter refreshments and raffle, Gail Wylie, {% component type: \"snippet\", alias: \"bookmark\" %} Chair, will reveal the {% component type: \"snippet\", alias: \"bookmark\" %} 2024 Programme and the 'Box Office' will be open for the sale of Festival tickets including our very popular 'Weekend and Daily Passes'.\n

\nFor tickets please contact:
Rhona Christie at 
 01250 875613\n
Adventure into Books - 01250 872852

Perthshire Box Office

It is with regret that we have to inform you that
Ewan Morrison
is unable to be with us on this occasion.
However, Gail, will be stepping in to chat with

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{% component type: \"snippet\", alias: \"bookmark\" %} Book Festival at Perth Theatre

\n\n{% component type: \"snippet\", alias: \"bookmark\" %} Book Festival brings Sir Alexander (Sandy) McCall Smith to Perth.  This much loved writer will be joined by his friend and acclaimed journalist  Magnus Linklater: their wide-ranging  and captivating conversation will travel from Botswana to Edinburgh, alongside his rich and hugely engaging cast of characters including Mrs Ramotswe and Isabel Dalhousie. Sandy McCall Smith’s love of music, poetry, art and so many other interests will also feature in this unmissable and highly entertaining event.

Tickets available from: 
Membership Secretary Rhona Christie  01250 875613 
Adventure into Books - 01250 872852 
 Perthshire Box Office
01738 621031

\n\nMr McCall Smith's photograph is courtesy of Kirsty Anderson

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The Last Witch of Scotland

… an historical fiction about love and sacrifice inspired by the extraordinary true story of Janet Horne, the last person in Britain to be executed for witchcraft.

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